Student accountability is important because it encourages students to take responsibility for their learning and actions. Students, in turn, learn to value their work and likely increase their levels of confidence. This prepares students for life beyond high school, whether it be furthering their education, going into the workforce, or a combination of both.
Drilling down further, we need to discuss Assessment both FOR Learning and OF Learning.
Assessment for learning (formative assessment) involves the use of information about student progress to support and improve student learning, inform instructional practices, and:
-is teacher-driven for student, teacher, and parent use;
-occurs throughout the teaching and learning process, using a variety of tools;
-and engages teachers in providing differentiated instruction, feedback to students to enhance their learning, and information to parents in support of learning.
Assessment of learning (summative assessment) involves teachers’ use of evidence of student learning to make judgements about student achievement and:
-provides opportunity to report evidence of achievement related to curricular outcomes;
-occurs at the end of a learning cycle using a variety of tools;
-provides the foundation for discussions on placement or promotion.
St. Joseph High School Assessment Procedures
Assessment needs to be meaningful, timely and impact learning. Having clear expectations gives support from the teacher necessary to ensure student growth and achievement and plays a big part in being able to hold students accountable and in students holding themselves accountable.
Procedure Indicators
- Teachers will always give reasonable due dates
- Recommended time to hand in a late assignment is one week and/or at the end of a unit. A zero will be applied after the extended due date has passed
- Parents will be notified of late assignment/zero