Finding Current Scholarships - Google Classroom Codes

Careers Google Classrooms

Students are invited at the beginning of each year to join their grade's Career Centre Classroom.  These classrooms contain career exploration information and resources for student access

Current scholarships are posted under "Classwork" in the Career Centre Google Classrooms.  Please ensure that if a student is joining the classroom later in the year, they are using their rdcrs email.  Students will be updated in their school email when a new scholarship is posted to Google Classroom

Scholarship Success

Whether you are considering an apprenticeship, a certificate, a diploma or a degree program, post-secondary education costs money and you need to be prepared for the expense. Scholarships can be a great way to help finance the expense. It's important to note that scholarships are typically based on conditional acceptance from a post-secondary institution, as scholarships are meant to help pay for school. You do not have to be fully accepted into a program at the time you apply for scholarships, but you do not get the money until you actually attend school. 

There are two categories: Entrance Awards (awarded by a post secondary institutions) and External Awards (awarded by various organizations).

It is easy for your scholarship applications to get overlooked. Check out the Scholar Tree blog below and avoid common mistakes on your scholarship applications...

This webinar by Janet MacDonald of gives valuable information for how to find scholarships and actually get them...

October Scholarships

November Scholarships

December Scholarships

Holiday Break Scholarship List (provided by Scholartree)

February Scholarships

March & April Scholarships

May Scholarships

June and July Scholarships